Towards the New National Capital (IKN) in Indonesia: Premises and Challenges of Food Security
Capital relocation, IKN, Comparative linear regressionAbstract
One of the successes of regional independence is food security. The essence of this paper dedicates the linkage between small and medium industry (SMI), population (Pop), food consumption (FC), and economic growth of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (EG_AFF) on food security (FS) towards a holistic New National Capital (IKN) in Indonesia. The comparative linear regression technique frames the data set starting from 2015 to 2021. Cross-regions that are qualified in “geospatial IKN” are focused into four clusters. From this analysis approach, it resulted in two important factors: (1) when SMI, Pop, FC, and EG_AFF increased, the simultaneous effect on FS increased; and (2) SMI has partial effect on FS in Balikpapan, Pop has partial effect on FS in Kutai Kartanegara, and FC has partial effect on FS in Balikpapan, Penajam Paser Utara (PPU), and Samarinda. This finding detects that SMI, Pop, FC, and EG_AFF guarantee food security in the short term. Finally, FC stimulates long-term food security in Balikpapan, PPU, and Samarinda, but has no implications in Kutai Kartanegara. The contemporary agenda is building an integrated agro-industrial system, considering alternative suggestions related to food productivity, and revitalizing revolutionary public facilities to separate food production centers from the new central government zone.
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