Factors Affecting the Capacity of Millennial Farmers to Maintaining Business Existence in the Agricultural Sector, East Java Indonesian
Capacity Building, Millennial Farmers, Farm BusinessAbstract
Millennial farmers are the main actors in Indonesia's future agricultural development. Therefore, these millennial farmers need to increase their capacity to survive in doing agriculture business. This study aims to describe the characteristics of millennial farmers; describe the capacity level of millennial farmers in maintaining their existence in the agriculture business; analyse factors that influence the capacity of millennial farmers in maintaining the existence in the agriculture business; and developing a Millennial Farmer Capacity Building model. The method used is the sector research method. The study results show that millennial farmers can identify opportunities in farming. They could be more vital to access quality assurance, such as certification of agricultural products to increase the added value and competitiveness. Factors significantly affecting millennial farmers' capacity are the sociocultural environment, support from private institutions, and personal characteristics. The capacity of millennial farmers also substantially affects the existence of their businesses in agriculture. The role of extension agents only significantly influences the presence of millennial farmer businesses. The capacity of millennial farmers to maintain the existence of businesses in the agricultural sector can be increased through the sociocultural environment, support from private institutions, and personal characteristics.
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