Loss and Gain in Mangrove Surrounding the Lençóis Maranhense National Park: An Integrated Approach Using Remote Sensing and SIG Data
ERA5, Wind, Climate changeAbstract
Brazil harbors the second largest expanse of mangroves in the world, trailing only behind Indonesia. In a regional context, the state of Maranhão stands out, encompassing approximately 36% of Brazil’s total mangrove area, including a portion located on the eastern coast in the Lençóis Maranhenses. This study played a crucial role in identifying the areas of gain, loss, and stability in the mangroves surrounding the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park over a historical period spanning from 1985 to 2019. The study provided detailed maps depicting spatial changes, such as migration and attenuation that occurred in the mangroves due to the influence of aeolian dunes and wind patterns in the region. This long-term analysis, the first of its kind to examine the annual expansion of forest loss in the remaining mangroves around the Lençóis Maranhenses in recent decades, revealed a reduction in the central mangrove areas between 1985 and 2019. This decline can be attributed not only to intense tourist activity and climate change but also to the movement and invasion of sand dunes in certain areas, as observed near the villages of Caburé and Paulino Neves (Pequenos Lençóis) in December
2022. Wind plays a fundamental role as a transformative agent in the local landscape. Through the analysis of wind roses using ERA5 reanalysis data and meteorological stations from the Aeronautics (São Luís and Parnaíba), it was possible to identify and characterize the prevalence of northeast trade winds in the Lençóis Maranhenses region during the years 1985 to 2019, with average speeds ranging from 6 to 8 m/s. The advancement of dunes onto the mangroves surrounding the Lençóis Maranhenses results in burial, reduction, and even migration of mangrove patches. Additionally, over the years, population growth and increasing tourism pressure along the banks of the Preguiças River have drawn attention to the need to implement control and conservation measures in the mangroves to prevent further disturbances in this environment.
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