Comparison of Climate Data from NASA POWER Reanalysis and Data Measured at Surface Weather Stations for Application in Brazilian Paving Projects
Climate, Statistical, PavementsAbstract
For the consideration of climate in paving projects, climate data with adequate quality and availability are required. In the Brazilian context, the current practice is to use data measured at the surface meteorological stations of the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET). Another possibility is to use data from reanalyses such as NASA POWER, which has an extensive database and excellent spatial coverage. Thus, this study aims to perform statistical comparisons between NASA POWER climate data and those measured by INMET in different locations in Brazil, to understand and quantify their respective differences and support future analyses regarding the use of NASA POWER reanalysis in projects related to the paving area. For this analysis, hourly climate data of air temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, precipitation, and humidity were considered and evaluated using statistical indices. Based on the analysis of 476 locations in Brazil, in general, the findings indicated that the air temperature, humidity, and solar radiation data from the NASA POWER reanalysis revealed good agreement with the data measured by INMET. However, hourly wind speed and precipitation data from NASA POWER did not show good agreement with the data measured by INMET. The climate data from the NASA POWER reanalysis have great potential for use in future paving projects in the country, mainly in regions with few ground meteorological stations (e.g., the North region). However, it is important to validate its use through pavement performance simulations, especially due to discrepancies in hourly wind speed data.
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