Involvement of Millennial Farmers in the Implementation of Integrated Agriculture in Trenggalek District, East Java, Indonesia
Agribusines, Sustainable Agricultural, Young FarmersAbstract
Millennial farmers are the future of farmer regeneration in Indonesia. The involvement of millennial farmers is expected to be a driver in sustainable agricultural development. A study analyzed the factors influencing millennial farmers' interest and the types of entrepreneurship prioritized in implementing integrated farming (IF) in the Trenggalek Regency. The sample selection method used was the Simple Randomized and Clustered Sampling method. The research respondents were 110 millennial farmers who are members of farmer groups aged 17-39. Data were collected using an ordinal scale questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ordinal logistic regression, and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). To overcome the declining interest of millennials in agricultural entrepreneurship, subjective norms or psychological factors such as motive factors and expectation factors need to be considered. These factors can be used as a basis for millennial farmers in choosing priorities for agricultural entrepreneurship. Agro-processing is the leading choice of types of entrepreneurship for millennial farmers, namely Solid Organic Fertilizer, Liquid Organic Fertilizer, Biourine, Probiotics, Vegetable Pesticides, Trichoderma, Refugia, Straw Amofer, and Magot. The priority of agricultural entrepreneurship that has the opportunity to be developed by the millennial generation of agriculture in Trenggalek Regency is agro-industrial entrepreneurship.
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