Atlantic Forest, highway underpasses, São Paulo state, Silver-tipped MyotisAbstract
Myotis albescens has a wide distribution, occurring from southern Mexico to central Argentina and Uruguay, where it is usually caught near streams or flooded areas. M. albescens roosts during the day in cavities such as hollow logs, rock cavities, and buildings. Here, we describe a group of M. albescens roosting in a highway underpass in an Atlantic Forest area in Rancharia, southeastern Brazil. The group was found inside a culvert with a shallow stream passing through it. The animals left the roost and were mist-netted in the first hours of the night. The M. albescens group was composed of 18 individuals, eleven males and seven females. In October, all males had descended testes and two females were pregnant, as confirmed by abdominal palpation. Morphological characters of the specimens fell in the known variation for the species. Our data show that highway underpasses can be important day roosts for bats, especially if riparian areas are preserved
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